.. / Contribute


Each Command is defined in a file in the _cantrememberthisstuff/ folder named as <command_name>.md, such files consists only of a YAML front matter which describes the command and its attributes.

The full syntax is the following:

description: Description of what the command does.

  Command Reference:

  	Target IP:

  	Domain: test.local

  	Username: john

  	Password: password123

command: |
  put command here
  - ITEM
  - ITEM
target: |
  - OS
environment: |
  - LINK
  - LINK

Where ITEM is one of the values described in the _data/items.yml file, target is one of the values described in the _data/target.yml file, SERVICE is one of the values described in the _data/services.yml file, OS is one of the values described in the _data/OS.yml file, environment is one of the values described in the _data/environment.yml file, COMMAND_TYPE is one of the values described in the _data/command_types.yml file, and LINK is a link to download the related tool for that command as well as links to any other relevant information about what the command is doing.

Feel free to use any file in the [_cantrememberthis/] folder as an example.

Pull request process

Before sending a pull request of a new command, ensure the following:

  1. Verify the command works.
  2. Any parts of the command that need context should go in the ‘Command References’, such as username, password, target IP, domain, etc. For consistency, if your command uses a username, password, domain, and/or target IP, use john, password123, test.local and respectively.
  3. Include the proper filters related to your command. This currently means including any and all remote services required to be running on the Windows machine in order for the command to work, the Operating System the command can be run from, and the type of attack. For example, Impacket’s smbclient.py requires the SMB service to be running on the remote Windows machine, so SMB would be one of the services included. And since it can by run from any OS, Linux and Windows would be the OS that’s included. Finally, the attack type is Exploitation because you are getting a remote shell.
  4. Add a minimum, a link to download the related tool MUST be provided and added under references.

Pull requests adding new items in _data/items.yml, services in _data/services.yml, OS in _data/OS.yml, or attack types in [_data/attack_types.yml] are allowed and subjected to project maintainers vetting.